Dubai Future District Fund

Dubai Future District Fund

Future Economies

We support startups and investors
who are innovating within Future Economies

Why Future Economies?

These technologies will impact humans on an individual level, collectively on an enterprise level, and ultimately evolve how the world lives and works.
Futuristic Vessel

We will focus on technologies that
create a flywheel affect within
the ecosystem

Sector Pillars

We look to support founders that are building unique technologies across areas such as the future of work, health, food, logistics security, education and entertainment.

Future of Food image

Future of

Future of Food

Caters for sustainability and generational preferences.
Future of Health image

Future of

Future of Health

Provides preemptive solutions for humans and animals and forecasts health hazards for entire populations and facilitates personalized medicine.
DFDF Graphic

Future of

Future of Security

Protects the world from cyber security threats.
People working

Future of

Future of Work

Revolve around talented individuals and scale enterprises through automation.
Future of Logistics image

Future of

Future of Logistics

Facilitates how people and things move around the world more efficiently and safely.
Future of Education image

Future of

Future of Education

Enables inexpensive transfer of knowledge around the world.
Future of Entertainment image

Future of

Future of Entertainment

Powers immersive experiences to bring stories to audiences digitally.